Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How can I get an estimate?

A: For a free estimate, fill out this online booking form and an estimate provided within 24-48 hours. When the online estimate is approved, an in-person estimate will be scheduled to take a closer look at your cabinets and further discuss project details. 

Q: Do you work in my area?

A: Yuta travels anywhere within a 45 minute drive from Whitesburg, TN.

Q: How much does a cabinet refinishing project cost?

A: Most cabinet refinishing projects come in somewhere between $3,500-$12,000, depending on the size of the cabinets, number of doors and drawers, the condition of the cabinets, if the cabinets are oak, and a few other factors. That being said, it’s best to schedule an estimate to get an exact figure so that you’ll know exactly how much it will cost and you can plan and budget the project from there. 

Q: How long does a Cabinet Refinishing job take/ what’s a typical timeline?

A: Cabinet Refinishing typically takes 10 days to complete depending on the number of doors/drawer fronts. 4-5 days include working off-site on the doors and drawer fronts.

Typical timeline:

  • Day 1: On-site
    • Remove doors and drawer fronts, Degrease and SVT (sand, vac, tac) the boxes
  • Day 2-5: Off-site
    • Degrease and SVT doors
    • Spray two coats of primer
    • SVT doors
    • Spray topcoat
  • Day 6: On-site
    • Encapsulate kitchen, mask boxes and surrounding surfaces
  • Day 7: On-site
    • Prime boxes
    • SVT boxes
  • Day 8: On-site
    • Spray Topcoat
  • Day 9: On-site
    • Unmask everything
    • Install doors
    • Vacuum countertops, floors and take trash with me.

Q: What Cabinet Coatings do you use and why?

A:  Yuta uses Envirolak Coatings which are industrial water-based wood coatings that meet KCMA (Kitchen Cabinet Manufacturers Association) Finish standards. These coatings are suitable for tough environments like kitchens and bathrooms. The use of two component coatings provide your cabinets with a finish that has superior adherence, chemical and mar resistance.

Q: Can you “paint” over stained cabinets?

A: In almost all situations, Yuta refinishes over previously stained cabinets. Envirolak coatings are designed to adhere to both raw wood, stained and clear-coated surfaces.

Q: Do I have to empty my cabinets and drawers?

A: Yes and No! Luckily, you won’t need to completely gut all items from your cabinets into your living room! Items in your cabinets will need to be moved back five inches from the cabinet face frame. As for drawers, all items will have to be removed.

Q: Do I have to clean my whole kitchen beforehand?

A: You will be responsible for…

  • Counters clear and clean
  • Dishwasher empty and dry
  • Appliances cleaned
  • Vacuum kitchen floors
  • Remove rugs, furniture, pictures, stools, etc
  • Range/Oven-Gas and power OFF
  • Set thermostat to a minimum of 70 degrees for the duration of the project (even at night) for proper curing.
  • Refrigerators-Move if you would like interior area painted

Q: When should I have floors and countertops replaced/ installed?

A: Other renovations can be completed at anytime before or after cabinet refinishing.

  • If other renovations are completed first, we will take our utmost care in protecting anything that shouldn’t be coated
  • If renovations are to be completed after cabinet refinishing, those trades should be careful of the newly refinished cabinets and will be responsible for damages.

Q: Can I replace my handles/ hinges?

A: Hardware and hinges can be replaced, but it is the client’s responsibility to purchase new handles/hinges. The client will be responsible for finding and purchasing hinges that will fit the cabinets. Yuta can replace the handles and hinges. 

If located near Morristown, TN, Oakes Home Supply is a great place to purchase KasaWare pulls & knobs.

If different sized handles are requested to be replaced, an extra cost will be charged to drill in the new holes and fill in the old ones. 

Q: Do you offer a warranty?

A: Yes, a one year limited warranty is provided as failures caused by the coating or labor will appear within a year. Wear and tear past one year will not be covered under the warranty.

Q: Do you only refinish kitchen cabinets?

A: Yuta can also refinish built-ins, custom cabinets, vanities, fireplace mantles.

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