About US
Meet Yuta
Suzuki Painting is an Interior & Cabinet painting business owned by me (Yuta Suzuki), a husband, father, and 2nd generation painter.
I was born and raised in Worcester, Massachusetts, an hour west of Boston. Starting in high school then college, I worked for my father’s commercial painting business to make quick cash as a broke college student. Overtime, I fell in love with being a part of transforming old outdated spaces into something modern.
I’ve been in the industry for a little over 10 years now but one of the things a lot of people don’t know about me is that… I used to paint some of the most well known establishments with my father like Chick- Fil- A, Sephora, and CVS… as crazy as I know that sounds.
Just recently, my wife and I decided to move to East Tennessee with our two little kids for a simpler life, and quite frankly, I just wanted a fresh start in a small town to make a bigger community impact.
So I ultimately decided to go into business for myself, move here to TN and from there the rest is history…
I saw starting a painting business as a great opportunity to raise the standard of professionalism in the trades as many tradesmen are retiring. I am a member of the Painting Contractors Association and am constantly seeking to improve my craft as a owner-operator.
License, Insurance and Warranty
Hiring a licensed and insured painting contractor is crucial in keeping you and your property protected by accidents. With General Liability and Errors & Ommisions Liability Coverage, you can feel safe with us working in your house.
Suzuki Painting Insurance Declaration Page & Business License.
We provide a 1-year (touch-up) CABINET PAINTING WARRANTY on Interior Residential paints (detailed in our policy) to ensure that you get a quality product when you call us. We want to keep your house looking great for years to come.